Monday, April 25, 2011

Hello, FORTRAN, my old friend

Here's the parody I performed with my friend, Kristie, at the ChBE Banquet. I first wrote this back when I was in 305. I appended it to the back of my Homework #3. Anyways, here are the lyrics. If anyone has a recording, please send to me, and I can post it here. KZ has requested a recording, which I might do with Kristie later if we have time.


Hello FORTRAN, my old friend
I’ve come to code with you again.
Because whenever I use MATLAB,
I’m confined to a computer lab.
Thank goodness for the free, personal edition,
It frees me from,
SDL; it’s a prison

So I start writing line one
With your helpful IMPLICIT NONE.
So I don’t mean to make variables
Because of my careless typos.
But my code, like a faulty engine crashes,
Burns into ashes.
Looks like, it’s a night of Three-oh-five.

In restless dreams I code away,
Hunched over my laptop all day.
Finding roots using Bisection.
It’s too slow, so I use Newton-Raphson.
But my root, it diverges into Hell,
And so I yell:
Looks like, it’s a night of Three-oh-five

And next morning in class, I saw
Maybe 5 people, but no more
Hear the lecture, KZ might reach you
Read this code that he might teach you
But our eyelids, like heavy anvils fell,
We pulled all-nighters
Last night for Three-oh-five

And the students bowed and prayed
To their lab session TAs
We were already on week four.
Homework 2 was still on Charles’s floor.
And on OWLSPACE KZ has posted the next problem set,
He won’t relent.
Here comes, another week of Three-oh-five…

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